Why there are no Junior Ensembles in many of our Pantos this year

For us, panto is all about family and it’s all about children. It was our own experiences of watching or being in pantos as children which shaped our desire and passion to work in the world of theatre and pantomime. That’s why we work so hard to create as many opportunities for children to perform in our productions as we possibly can.

But for now, whilst our shows are still planned to run as normal, COVID has sadly put a pause on children appearing in many of our shows, and we wanted to explain why.

Throughout the pandemic, everyone’s focus has been on health and wellbeing, and as we move into what we all hope are the latter stages of this crisis, that doesn’t change. Our absolute priority is the wellbeing and health of everyone who will work on, be involved in, or watch any of our productions this year.

A huge amount of work is going on behind the scenes to deliver a spectacular pantomime season this Christmas, but as we are sure you will appreciate, there will be some amendments and changes which must take place due to the current situation.

A very wise dance teacher friend of ours once said to us “never dance on an injury until it has fully healed.” We see COVID as a very similar thing – we can’t just ‘flick a switch’ and this will all go away. There are aspects of our pantomimes which can and will be back this year, but other parts require a little more ‘healing’ time until they can safely return, and our junior ensemble is one of those.

Pantomimes take many months to plan and develop. It takes around 17-months from the start of planning a show until closing night, and each element of the production is meticulously planned. This includes the casting and inclusion of children for our junior ensembles.

The pre-planning and up-front work that takes place before the audition days is enormous. We must plan rehearsal and performance schedules (including working out school time missed), undertake the interviewing, recruitment, and reference checking of chaperones, planning of performance licenses, obtaining DBS and PVG checks, updating safeguarding procedures and policies and then the administration set up and roll out of the actual audition days themselves.

Every year, we audition many thousands of children the length and breadth of the UK. Of these, many hundreds are offered the chance to appear in one of our productions. We also work with dozens of chaperones, all of whom take care and responsibility for these talented young people. The children appear in teams of either eight or ten in each production (some shows have 2 teams, some have 3, meaning we cast between 16 and 30 children per production), accompanied by at least two chaperones.

Once the auditions are completed, this is then followed by weeks and weeks of work in obtaining performance licenses for those who have been successful (as every child appearing in the show must be granted a license by their local council to perform), the fitting of costumes and all the background work we have to undertake, including preparing chaperone files, reports and so much more.

This year, in addition to all our usual preparations, things are just that bit more complicated. There are so many elements we must consider what would never usually factor. For example

  • What are the rules and regulations we would need to follow at audition days? Sometimes with all the auditionees and adults accompanying them, plus the Imagine and venue teams we can have upwards of 500+ people present in the audition buildings at any one time. Whilst unlocking is moving forwards well, this is still a huge amount of people to hold in one place, especially as some parts of the UK (Scotland and Wales in particular) may only just have fully unlocked when their auditions are due to take place.

  • Will we be able to even obtain licenses for children to be released from school for rehearsals and performances when they have missed so much schooling due to the pandemic? Some children may have missed weeks of schooling and the authorities may take the decision not to issue licenses to allow them to miss school for rehearsals and performances.

  • Will children still be in bubbles at school? How do we bubble our junior ensembles when they all potentially come from different schools and different year groups? Current indications are that the bubbles may be removed, but not for all parts of the UK and we still await full guidance.

  • How long will the licenses take to obtain when so many council staff are working from home or are only just returning into offices? (We have been warned it may take up to 4 weeks longer than usual in some locations, making it impossible to have them granted in time.)

  • Will there still need to be social distancing backstage? Or even if the rules state not, will we opt to keep it in place? Many theatres have extremely limited dressing room space with cramped backstage corridors and tight stage wing areas. As such it would be challenging to socially distance or sensibly separate the casts, crew and junior ensembles. The junior ensembles tend to share one dressing room, making social distancing impossible.

  • The children will be mixing with potentially thousands of other children every day at school, and at the time of writing this, schools have been where the virus is spreading the most. Without any government backed cancellation insurances, should one of the children pick up COVID at school, and come to the theatre, this would impact on others within the production and may affect the running of the production. Whilst we know that fully vaccinated adults almost certainly won’t have to isolate, there is currently no clarity around potential vaccinations for children, how isolation might work for them, what the rules are moving forward and how all of that might affect the show.

  •  As part of our risk management, we have to consider the production as a whole from a health and safety and financial perspective. At present there is no clarity around a government backed cancellation insurance scheme to enable productions to continue should any performer or worker have to leave at short notice due to either a positive test or being requested to self-isolate. Therefore, our priority has to be to keep the production itself up and running, minimising risks to backstage staff and performers by keeping the number of people working on the show to an absolute minimum.

  • Finally, we have to consider ‘costume sharing’. Whilst children have all their own underwear for the show, they do share their main costumes. With the current situation, we have to consider this and the impact of it.

Our problem is that we can only work with the information we have at any one time. At the time of writing this blog (early August 2021) whilst theatres in England are reopen at full capacity and we are also starting to see reopening’s in Wales and Scotland there are still so many unanswered questions, and we have to make certain decisions now. So, in short, what that means is time has run out. We just don’t know what the rules and regulations we’re going to be working with are, and how to safely get children into the show. Therefore, it’s impossible to prepare and be ready in time.

Bearing this in mind, and after lengthy discussion and careful consideration with theatre managements, we’ve had no option but to make the heart-breaking decision not to feature young performers in many of our 2021 Imagine Theatre pantomimes. It’s not a decision we’ve taken lightly, and one which is playing very heavily on our hearts and minds.

We are so sorry, as we understand the impact that this will have and how many disappointed children there will be this year.

We promise that, as soon as things get back to ‘normal’, children will return to our shows. We can’t wait to see lots of smiling, excited faces at our next set of junior ensemble auditions. Watch this space!

With very best wishes,

Sarah and Steve Boden

Imagine Theatre


What Theatre Producers do when they can’t do Theatre…

On 12th October 2020, at the end of a very long 7 months post theatres closing, Imagine Theatre were fortunate to hear that we had been awarded a lifeline grant from the Culture Recovery Fund. This supported us from 1st November 2020 to 31st March 2021.

 We were then fortunate to be awarded a second lifeline grant which supported us from 1st April to 30th June 2021.

 These two grants have been an absolute lifeline for us. To put it into perspective, our turnover plummeted overnight, dropping over 95%, with our staff (except Steve, Sarah and Laura) spending almost 8 months on furlough. The grant meant that, although we did have to sadly lose some staff, our core team could return back to work on 2nd November and we were able to undertake lots of ‘behind the scenes’ organising and sorting, ready for restarting.

 The funding provided by those two lifeline grants comes to an end today and so we wanted to look back at what we’ve done during COVID, with grateful thanks to DCMS, the Arts Council and Warwick District Council.

 Although one of our main focuses has been on scenario planning the roll out of our 2021 Christmas season, there’s so much more that we managed to fit in. So, here is our A-Z of what we did when our theatres were closed…

 Artwork – with head space and time to think, we redesigned all our marketing assets (including design and a new website). And we love them. Thanks to Harry Neal Creative and Char.

New 2021 Designs.jpg

Barcoding – a project we’ve wanted to do for a long time is to photograph and catalogue absolutely everything in our warehouse (approx. 40,000 items!) and upload it all onto our data management software, “Current” and we’ve almost done it – literally the last few wardrobe items are being finished off as you read this! It’s been utterly epic and a massive team effort from the Ops team of Dave, Cal, Dawn and Roz with support from Karen, Esther, Aaron and Arran.

Christmas off – it was our first one in years and years (more than 30 years for Steve, 20+ years for Sarah and Laura and 15+ years for Louise and Dave), and we don’t want another one…

Data management – setting up new software systems to support our hires business (see Barcoding!)

EDI project – We’ve had time to really hone down on our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion project. More information about what we’ve done, and “Imagine Cares” will be out soon.

Furlough – many of the team got to enjoy the wonderful 2020 sunshine with an unplanned summer off. Let’s hope we get more of the same in 2021. (More sunshine not furlough!!!)

Grants – Thank you to the Arts Council, DCMS, CRF and Warwick District Council. You’ve kept us going when we weren’t able to earn any money, when the theatres were all dark.

Hiring – Who would have thought we’d have had an entire year with no scenic and costume hires…. Well, apart from the phone call asking us for almost 400 costumes. When do you need them? In 7 days, you say? No problem…… cue the entire team moving into the wardrobe department.

Insurance – or lack of! One of the biggest challenges to reopening will be the need for some form of government backed cancellation insurance. Fingers crossed!

Justin Live – our Autumn 2020 / Spring 2021 tour starring CBeebies superstar Justin Fletcher was postponed. We’re optimistic for a smooth roll out now in Autumn 2021/ Spring 2022.

Knowledge – We’d always wanted time to write an in-depth history of panto article, to provide a detailed resource of where people could learn more about where panto came from. Katie has duly obliged with something quite fabulous which we release next week.

Lighting the building in red – Lighting theatres in red became a symbol of the crisis that our industry has faced. So, solidarity with the rest of the industry, we lit our building in red from 2nd November 2020 to 9th January 2021, marking the period of what would have been our 2020 pantomime season.

 Marketing Network – we have formed a network of the marketing departments of the venues we produce panto in. It’s a chance to share knowledge and to support each other. We cannot wait for the next meeting.

New Offices - OK, well not really ‘new’, more redecorated (but we’d already got something for R!!)

Online Pantomime – 2020 was the year panto moved online, and we worked alongside the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry on their online production of Jack and the Beanstalk.


Podcast – we launched our podcast “Just Imagine”. Thanks to the amazing Martin Ballard, and all our guests so far… and there is more to follow.

QR codes – This has definitely been the revival of the QR code, with sooooo many check ins on the NHS app! (This could also be “Quite a few viewings of children and pets on video calls”!)

Remote working – and the fun of setting up everyone working from home.

Santa streaming – Santa moved ‘online’ too, and our production of Santa’s Christmas Rescue which should have toured across the UK was beamed around the world into people’s homes instead.


TV interviews – many different channels and programmes came in to visit during 2020, especially after our blog detailing why we were having to postpone our 2020 pantomime season.

Undoing our 2020 plans – the unthinkable became reality when we had to postpone the entire of our 2020 pantomime and Christmas season.

Virtual learning – With a little more time on our hands, we have been able to attend a number of webinars to build and support our learning.

Workshop – One of our goals came true when we launched Mi Workshops along with Matthew Jacques. We can’t wait to see what we get to build next. There’s some really exciting projects in the pipeline.

Xmas tree replaced – The last one had been with us for quite a while! It was like saying goodbye to an old friend.

Youth group rehearsed in our car park - Coventry’s own Youth Operetta Group, YOG, rehearsed their showcase on our carpark – socially distanced following all the rules and regulations of course

yog kids.jpg

Zoom meetings – Who’d heard of zoom before Corona hit? Now it’s one of life’s essentials! There’s been copious amounts of saying ‘you’re on mute’ – that along with ‘Sorry if you can hear my washing machine’ ‘excuse the cat on my desk’ and ‘bear with me, that’s my front door with a delivery.’

It’s been quite a different 16 months, full of highs and lows. We still can’t believe we lost the entire of our 2020 Christmas and pantomime season, But the shows WILL go on again, and we will be back in theatres really soon. Oh yes we will!

And thank you again to Arts Council England, DCMS and Warwick District Council. You literally have been life (or company) savers.

Best wishes

Sarah and Steve


Wolverhampton Grand Theatre have announced today that brothers AJ and Curtis Pritchard will star in the spectacular family pantomime CINDERELLA from Saturday 4 December 2021 – Sunday 9 January 2022.

This huge casting news is a real treat for audiences who are desperate for pantomime to return to the city and ensures that the Wolverhampton pantomime is the one to see this year. The duo have recently joined the cast of Hollyoaks and are highly regarded for their professional dancer positions on Strictly Come Dancing and Ireland’s Dancing With The Stars. AJ and Curtis will bring with them a wealth of dancing styles to sweep Cinderella off her feet in what promises to be a most exciting re-opening pantomime for the Grand Theatre.

Fresh from the I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! castle, AJ is now the prince of a much more glamourous one, taking on the role of Prince Charming. The Strictly Come Dancing professional joined the hit BBC show in 2016 and was a firm favourite for the four seasons he appeared. Since then, AJ has made numerous TV and theatre appearances, often alongside his brother who will be right alongside him this Christmas as the Prince’s right-hand man.

Curtis will play Dandini, allowing plenty of opportunity for mischief and identity-swapping as he helps the Prince and Cinderella to find love… something that Curtis knows all too well having won the hearts of the nation in the 2019 series of Love Island. Curtis appeared as a professional dancer on Ireland’s version of Strictly, Dancing With The Stars. His other TV appearances include The Greatest Dancer, Celebs Go Dating: The Mansion and together with AJ appeared as guest choreographers for the season one finale of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK.

On joining the Wolverhampton Grand Theatre pantomime, AJ said; “I am so excited to be appearing in Cinderella at the Wolverhampton Grand Theatre this Christmas. For performers everywhere, it has been devastating that theatres have been closed for so long and with such a limited amount of live performance opportunities. So what better way to celebrate entertainment being back than a trip to the panto where the whole family can get together again? There is such a good feeling to this show and it’s going to be bigger and better than ever before. We’re back doing what we love the most and so excited for friends, family and theatre-goers to experience the magic of panto again."

Curtis said;  “I’m delighted to be playing Dandini in Cinderella. I have appeared in pantomime before but this is the first time AJ and I have appeared together so it’s really exciting. The past year has been extremely unusual and therefore it’s great to have something to look forward to and know that the year is going to end on a high. AJ and I have been dusting off our dancing shoes so expect some big dance numbers in the show! We can’t wait to get started.”

Adrian Jackson, Chief Executive & Artistic Director of the Grand Theatre said “we are thrilled to welcome AJ and Curtis to Wolverhampton for our pantomime. Between them, they will bring so much to the show with their infectious personalities and incredible dancing talent. They are such naturals on stage with undeniable showmanship, making them favourites with the whole family. This show will have something for everyone – think of a West End musical, that is the scale! The plans are dazzling and I’m very excited to share with you our new Wolverhampton panto!” 

The pantomime, which was previously planned for 2020, had to be postponed until this year due to the national closure of all theatres. CINDERELLA will be produced by Imagine Theatre, in partnership with Wolverhampton Grand.

Both Imagine Theatre and Wolverhampton Grand have a rich history of producing top-quality entertainment and together will form a perfect partnership. The casting of AJ and Curtis launches an exciting run up to the pantomime season, with many more announcements and further casting to follow very soon.

Imagine Theatre’s Managing Director Steve Boden said; “We are thrilled to have been invited by Adrian Jackson to work alongside him and the fantastic team at the Grand Theatre to create this year’s spectacular family pantomime. As a West-Midlander myself and having trained in the city, I love the warmth and community spirit that audiences bring to the Grand Theatre pantomimes. Along with AJ and Curtis and some of the most sophisticated production elements ever seen in pantomime, we will spectacularly launch the next generation of Grand Theatre pantomimes”.

The headline sponsor for CINDERELLA will be Dudley Zoo & Castle.

Tickets for CINDERELLA from Saturday 4 December 2021 – Sunday 9 January 2022 are on sale now.  Tickets can be booked online at grandtheatre.co.uk.

Venue Cymru - Panto’s coming back, Bigger and better than before, Oh yes It Is!

2020, the year we’d all like to forget

…..However, Venue Cymru has just secured the ultimate news for 2021. The return of their Pantomime, Aladdin with their Panto hero John Evans.

John will return for the eleventh time to the Venue Cymru stage in the role of Wishee Washee in December 2021. John Evans first appeared in the Llandudno pantomime in 2006 and performed every year until 2016 before performing at the Liverpool Empire Theatre for three years.

He should have been back in Llandudno in 2020 however, earlier this month Venue Cymru announced its temporary closure until Spring 2021. The building is utilised as Ysbyty’r Enfys by the Betsi Cadwaladr Health board. This meant the postponement of many shows, including the annual Pantomime.

Pantomime is such an important experience for so many people, and a family tradition each year for so many, for some it’s the first experience of theatre as a young child, and others it’s the memories created of each festive period.

Venue Cymru spokesperson said, “Our patrons spoke and we listened, it was an overriding roar of ‘Bring back John Evans!!’ and, with the help of Imagine Theatre Ltd we’re proud that John will be treading our boards for the next few Christmas’ - John has agreed to work with Venue Cymru and new co-producers Imagine Theatre Ltd on their Pantomime for the next three years.
Imagine Theatre is one of the UK’s leading Pantomime Producers and we’re thrilled to have them on board, their ethos for panto matches the direction we want to take our shows. Along with a brand new script, amazing sets, costumes, comedy and great music we’re proud to be creating a show that we know will resonate with, and create memories for the entire family”

John Evans - Wishee Washee

John Evans commented“If I had Aladdin’s lamp, my first wish would definitely be to take a magic carpet ride straight to 2021! I have so many great memories of my 10 years in Llandudno, so when I was asked to come back for next years of production Aladdin I didn’t hesitate. I can promise you 2021’s panto will be jam packed full of action, adventure and big big laughs. I am so excited, I cannot wait to see you all!”

Managing Director of Imagine Theatre Steve Boden said We are absolutely delighted to be given the opportunity to work alongside the team at Venue Cymru to produce their annual family pantomime. Discussions are already underway, and we are going to make sure that pantomime bounces back after Covid even bigger and better than it was before. It is really important to us that we create a show that is unique and bespoke to the Llandudno audiences which is suitable for the entire family. Working alongside the theatre team and the wonderfully funny John Evans, we just know that the 2021 production of Aladdin will be worth the wait!”


“We’re excited to take our annual Pantomime in a new direction, with a new co-producer and John on board we’re more excited than ever to get started, and to give you, our loyal patrons the theatre experience you deserve after such a trying year. Pantomime is such an iconic tradition for so many families and the experience keeps our industry alive, so for 2021 we’ll ensure its better than ever before” continued Venue Cymru

Those who had tickets booked for Aladdin in 2020 will have the chance to transfer their tickets to 2021 ahead of the general on sale. Further details will be popping into the inboxes of ticket holders’ very soon so keep your eyes open for that.

Bookings for Aladdin 2021 will reopen early this December  

The show will run from Saturday 12th December 2021 – 3rd January 2022.

Venue Cymru cannot wait for Panto to return, and with our very own panto hero and stalwart John Evans. 2021 is looking up!

Box Office 01492 872 000  l  venuecymru.co.uk

Casting – Everything you need to know

This blog is relevant to adults who are looking to apply for one of our principal performance roles whilst our main casting window is open. For ensemble roles, the same process applies, but please be aware that even though you will apply during the same window, we normally cast our ensemble once our main principal line up is in place due to the need for ensemble to pick up understudy tracks.
For children’s casting please click here and for production/creative teams and crew, please click here
Imagine Theatre welcomes applications from everyone and all applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or disability status.. Indeed, we are very lucky to receive thousands of applications each year from performers, creatives, stage management etc who want to work for us and it is therefore essential that we have a fair process which allows us to give every CV or spotlight link we receive the time and consideration it deserves.
The request on our website of HOW and WHEN to apply to us is part of that process, and we’d really appreciate it if you would help us to help you. 
We understand that applying for roles can be laborious and that you may want to try make your application stand out by doing something a little different. However, rather than sending us a message over social media or phoning in, please apply via the method stated on the website. Applying to us via a method that’s not listed on the casting page on our website, or applying outside the window of when we have casting open may affect the outcome of your submission. Your application may not get considered and we don’t want that to happen to anyone.
We are extremely active on our social media channels, therefore appreciate that we may appear old fashioned by not accepting applications via social media. Facebook and Instagram are not user friendly in allowing us to move messages about employment into any other format. We can’t move them into our casting database, and as a result they may not be processed and could get overlooked. In addition, these platforms don’t make it easy for us to download photos or CV’s. Our company ethos is to give everyone a fair chance and fair consideration and by sticking to the method stated at the end of this article we can ensure that this happens, we know we’ve not missed anyone who wants to be considered, and you know your application has been treated as you would like and expect it to be.
We wish we could audition everyone who applies to us, but with the sheer volume of applications it’s not feasible for that to happen. Therefore, as stated on our website, we only contact those we want to audition. We aim to post the dates of the principal auditions on our website and if you’ve not heard from us by the audition date, then you’ve not been selected for an audition with us. 
It’s also worth bearing in mind that, although you may not hear from us in a particular year, that doesn’t mean we aren’t interested in receiving your CV again in subsequent years. Some years the balance of roles means that we might be looking for more Dames and comics, or another year we might need more principal girls and father roles. It all depends upon the mix of titles we’re producing and what casting may already be in place. A breakdown of the roles that we are casting for will be posted on our website and spotlight ahead of the audition calls going out. If there isn’t anything that fits your casting bracket this season, please keep applying in following years. Never say never! You never know what a casting team saw in you or your initial application and what they might want later down the line. 
What we will do is make a commitment that if you have an audition with us, we will let you or your agent know the outcome, however this may not be straight away. Due to the fact we are usually casting for multiple productions all over the country, casting is a huge jigsaw puzzle that sometimes requires 3 or 4 key people to fall into place before we can cast the rest. If they don’t accept straight away and we’re left waiting for a little while, this can have an impact on the rest of the casting. It might be waiting for a ‘name’ to confirm, resident dames/comics or just that someone is waiting to hear if something such as a touring contract is going to happen for them. We promise we try to do things as fast as we can, but as you can now appreciate, it’s not that simple. 
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and we look forward to hearing from you.
The email to apply for both Principal and Ensemble Understudy roles to is casting@imaginetheatre.co.uk – this inbox is manned during the time that we say casting is open on our website. This date will also be announced on social media, so please keep an eye out on our channels for opening and closing dates. It may feel like you’ve not heard back from us, but so long as you apply at the right time and get our email bounce back reply then your application will be being considered by us. Please DO NOT apply to individual emails within the company, we only accept applications sent to the casting email as stated above.