First set loads out today
/In the offices – Steve Boden, Sarah Boden, Ray Morrison, Louise Redmond, Mike Royce, Bea O'Brien, Phil Roe, Ian Plimbley, Chris Ball, Mikey Shaw (hooray, we've got enough mugs today!)
Today the first set loaded out for one of our pantos. It was the set for Mother Goose at the Palace Theatre, Kilmarnock. Also on the lorry are the Goose, props, costumes and lighting. Fit up for the panto starts at the venue on Wednesday 12th November!
What is everyone else up to?
• Mikey, Phil and Ian are loading the Kilmarnock lorry
• Chris is sorting more panto technicals
• Louise is STILL sorting babes licenses
• Ray is working on the accounts
• Steve is sorting for the Loughborough panto
• Sarah is sorting invoices
• Mike and Bea are starting on their next 'prop' project.
Chris's technical mountain grows...
You can tell it's Panto time at WISH when boxes of shaving sticks arrive so we can make vats of slosh.
... and spreads out across the office
Tons of batteries for radio mics turn up too!